These are the projects that we have completed:

Tibet: Ge-LA Young Nun School ProJect

From 2011 to 2012, we provided educational support for the young nuns of Ge-La Nunnery, near the village of Riwoche in the Chamdo Region of Kham, East Tibet during the remodel of their monastery facilities. 


INDIA: SIKKIM Monastery SCHool Support

In 2015, we offered financial support to the 17 young monks of La-Lung Monastery in Sikkim, East India, a small state in the Himalayas nestled between Bhutan, Nepal & Tibet. We provided them with clothing, food & textbooks for their studies.

INDIA: tCV DHaramsala Student Support

In 2011 we supported 8 students at the Tibetan Children's Village School in Dharamshala, India.