TIBET: Dege Valley Village School Program
Our Village School Program, based in Chugang Village, serves 4 small villages across the Dege Valley of Kham, East Tibet. Our Village School Program runs during our students' 2-month break from their Chinese public school. We offer remedial instruction in Chinese in order to ensure that our students do not fall behind in their state-sponsored education. At the same time, we teach Tibetan language, grammar, history & customs. We prepare the youth of Dege for life by giving them the skills they need to succeed in school while helping them to understand who they are & where they come from.
- Chugang Village is the home village of our founder Venerable Khen Rinpoche Jampa & is our longest running Village School Program site. The request for assistance from the people of Chugang was the inspiration for the establishment of the Tibetan Education Foundation.
- Zhi-ba Village
- O-ba Village
- Tsengko Village, since 2014
TIBET: Singji Monastery School Program
Singji Monastery lies on the outskirts of Chugang Village. It was reconstructed in 2012. We provide the young monks with food, clothing, textbooks & school supplies and pay their instructors' salaries to support them during their monastic education. They learn classical Tibetan language in addition to Buddhist meditation, philosophy & rituals. The transmission of ancestral knowledge to these young men who have dedicated their lives to upholding this unique spiritual tradition is an integral element of preserving Tibet’s cultural heritage.