Happy 70th Birthday to His Holiness the Sakya Trizin!


Ven. Khen Rinpoche Jampa & the whole Tibetan Education Foundation would like to warmly wish His Holiness the Sakya Trizin a Happy 70th Birthday! On this auspicious day, Ven. Khen Rinpoche composed these words to celebrate the occassion:

Homage to the Triple Gem!
Homage to the Infinite Buddhas of the 10 directions & the 3 times!
Homage to Guru Rinpoche who shared the teachings of the Secret Mantra!
Homage to the glorious Mahasiddha Virupa, the root of the lineage!
And homage to the Five Patriarchs of the Sakyapa who firmly established the teachings in the snowy land of Tibet!
Today we celebrate the 70th birthday of the His Holiness the 41st Sakya Trizin!
He is an emanation of glorious Manjushri, shining the light of wisdom directly into the dark hearts and minds of the beings of this degenerate age!
His compassion shines brighter than the light of the sun & moon combined, comforting the countless beings that continue to wander in samsara.
Let us rejoice today in celebration of his continuous Buddha activities that pour out blessings into space like the great waterfall at Niagra!
Homage to you, protector of beings!
Homage to you, source of refuge, glorious king of the Sakyapas!
May your life be long and may the lineage continue on!
Let us show our appreciation for this teacher of teachers by continuing to practice what he has taught us!
Thank you!
